Benefits of multi language posting on web

So many websites continue to have faith in the power of the English language to reach out to all countries and populations. Their belief is mistaken.

Even in countries where proficiency in English is widespread, there is a marked preference for content in the mother tongue. As for those where it is not, the audience is not so much alienate

What benefits can translating your website bring and what is the true price of entry for reaching markets where other languages are spoken?

A bad example: "XYZ Semantics is a company driven by the pursuit of its dreams. We want to bring you with us on this journey. Our dedication to solutions and innovation make us the leading marketing consultants west of the Mississippi."

Let’s take a look, but first let’s map the terrain.

• English is far from the most popular language in the world. It sits in the shadows of Mandarin and Spanish in terms of active users.

• 70% of the world doesn’t speak English yet 57% of websites contain only English.

• As many as two-thirds of internet users are non-native English speakers, and this percentage share is growing rapidly.

• Over half of all Google searches are in languages other than English.

• 90% of internet users in the EU claim that, when given a choice of languages, they always choose to visit a website in their own language. Only half are happy using an English language website even where there is no other alternative.